Green Toys – Stay Green, Have Fun!

Parent wishes to capture childhood memories of their precious children and often they end up taking thousands of pictures. These pictures speak a lot about how the days were and what sort of looks kids had when they were little ones. GreenPro India has played a significant role in creating beautiful memories for children. There has been years of research and study to understand likes and dislikes of kids not only at the playgrounds but also in other places such as in school and shopping malls etc.

Green Toys for Sell  Green Toys for Kids

By creating Eco-friendly Green Toys we aim to spread awareness about global warming and send message across to tell people that if we don’t try and save planet earth from the rushing pollutions then our next generations may not get chance to see nature’s precious treasures. Our playground equipments fascinate kids and inspire kids to perform well in their academics and all the aspects of their life.

Toys for Childrens  Toys

We want kids to excel in life hence we manufacture equipments that are safe for kids and friendly on nature. Spacious playground reduces injuries at the playgrounds. Green Toys offer different sizes, shapes, colours and crafty designs that keep children engaged at the playgrounds. Our range of Green Toys include Slides, Merry-go-around, Seesaws, Swings, Small beautiful houses for kids to play, Spring Riders, Shelter, Shades, Ride-on and many other playground equipments.

2 Responses to Green Toys – Stay Green, Have Fun!

  • good day,
    i am mailing you on behalf of earth care optimised. ours is an environment based magazine and we cover stories based on environment issues. on our next issue, we intend to create awareness on the topic of green toys that are now available in the market. these toys are recyclable and not made of plastic.
    for our experts view, we ask you to provide us with your views on the current market situation of toys and their usefulness. we also request you to provide some photographs of their manufacturing.
    i tried calling your number and your office number but there was no response. do revert back,

    best regards,
    sushil banjade
    earth care optimised

    • admin says:

      Hi Mr. Sushil Banjade, Thank you for enquiry with us. One of our staff will be contact you on your email id …

      Thank You,

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