Leaders Are Not Born, They Make Themselves. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr. KUMAR!

Dr. KumarSuccess is not a miracle. One does not need to belong to the crème of the society to make him a leader. Years of dedication and relentless hard work goes into its making. Dr. Kumar is the living example of success. Greenpro India is fortunate to be under the leadership of Dr. Kumar.

His undying passion for growth and his sincerity towards the ethics, keeps us motivated to face life with a positive attitude and a smile on our faces. Sir, we wish you a happy, carefree and joyous birthday and an equally satisfying life ahead. As we know you are not someone who would rest on his laurels, it excites us to know what next in the coming year. Keep rocking like this every single day of your life.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr. KUMARHAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr. Kumar!!! May all your dreams be fulfilled and may you keep inspiring us.

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