Green Toys by Greenpro India; Your Guide to Safe Toys

Green Toys for KidsThere is a lot of speculation in the market with regards to green toys. So what exactly are green toys? Definitely not those that are simply coloured green but those that are sustainable and environment friendly. It could be anything made from recycled plastics, wood or metal etc. the raw material is mostly recycled and processed to become non-toxic.

Greenpro India is a leading eco-friendly play equipment supplier of the country. We have multiple series of eco-friendly playground and fitness equipments. One of the series is called Green toys and it caters mainly to the age group of toddlers to teenagers. Today we will share with you some tips as to how to recognize and use real green toys in the market?

Toys for Childrens Toys

Here are some tips for choosing safe & Eco-friendly toys:

  • Look for safe toys LLPDE mark on plastic toys with a non-toxic finish and non toxic colouring.
  • Avoid metals toys that are not galvanized or have thin coating of lead paint.
  • Buy long lasting toys. High quality toys may cost more, but they reduce long time expenses as they last longer, have no side effects on health, and can be handed down to younger children. Also if you decide to sell them off after your kids have grown up they will earn you better returns.
  • Read labels for all information like what is this so called green toy made of? Where does it come from? Etc.
  • Opt for toys that encourage creativity and can be used in many different ways to play different games.
  • Do not buy toys that are not labelled and don’t hesitate to call the manufacturer for any queries.
  • While searching online do a thorough research of green toys, raw material used and the company
  • And above all have fun with your kids as they won’t always remain young and hearty.

Toys for Childrens Toys

Green Toys from Greenpro India fall in the entire above mention category. They stimulate creative cognition and double the energy and fun for kids. The magnificent features like refreshing colors, spacious sizes, shapes, and innovative designs make our Green Toys of exquisite varieties. The list includes categories like Slides, Merry-go-around, Seesaws, Swings, Small beautiful houses for kids to play, Spring Riders, Shelter, Shades, Ride-on and many other delightful playground equipments.

To more about Green Toys and order them; log on to Or you can make an enquiry by filling below mentioned form:

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